Millions of Americans every year struggle with debt from car loans, credit cards, medicalbills, and student loans. It can be an enormous relief to get an improper judgment vacated incourt or to finally pay off a debt and be done with it forever.
But some debt collectors want more than what is fair. When debt collectors attempt to collect on vacated judgment or settled debts, consumers may:
- Have their bank accounts frozen
- Have their wages garnished
- Receive collection letters threatening to freeze their banks accounts or garnish their wages
- Have to return to court one or more times to prove that the judgment was vacated or thedebt was settled
Judgments that are vacated should stay vacated and debts that are settled should staysettled. If a debt collector comes after you for a judgment you have vacated or a debt you havesettled, you have rights. At The Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz we have helped people acrossNew York City to fight back against predatory debt collectors taking advantage of them and wincompensation for the distress caused by illegal debt collection. Prior results do not guarantee asimilar outcome.
freeze bank accounts and garnish funds and wages illegally.
At the Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz, we have helped many people who had their
benefits, money, and wages illegally taken by debt collectors get justice and fair compensation. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.