Identity Theft


Identity Theft

Millions of people in the United States have been victims of identity theft. Many victimswill not know their identity has been stolen for months or even years. Victims of identity theftcan suffer problems like:

  • Debt collectors filing lawsuits on debts from the identity theft
  • Debt collectors freezing their bank accounts or garnishing their wages
  • Negative credit reporting
  • Having to go to Court to show that they were the victim of identity theft
  • Having to file police reports to stop debt collection

Debt collectors and credit bureaus will ignore victims who tell them their identity hasbeen stolen, even when a victim is able to prove that the debt was not from them. Some debtbuyers even specialize in accounts they suspect may be fraudulent, buying them for pennies onthe dollar and then collecting them without any investigation into whether someone really owesthe money.

Credit reporting and debt collection on debts caused by identity theft is illegal, and creditbureaus and debt collectors who ignore the evidence to line their pockets are breaking the law. Atthe Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz, we have helped many victims of identity theft get justiceand fair compensation for the harms caused by illegal credit reporting and debt collection. Priorresults do not guarantee a similar outcome.

    Ahmad Keshavarz established his law
    firm, The Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz in 2000. His practice is devoted entirely to consumer protection. The large majority of his practice is devoted to FDCPA litigation, which involves violations such as debt collectors attempting to collect on debts that are time barred or judgments that have been vacated.


    16 Court St., 26th Floor
    Brooklyn, NY 11241-1026


    (718) 522-7900


    (877) 496-7809