Unlawful Bank Restraints and Garnishments


Unlawful Bank Restraints and Garnishments

When a debt collector freezes your bank account, takes money in your bank account, or takes money out of your paycheck, there are federal and state law protections that limit what theycan do. You may have protections for:

  • Unemployment insurance
  • Social Security funds
  • Public assistance (welfare)
  • Veteran benefits
  • Payments from pensions and retirement accounts
  • Disability benefits
  • 90% of the income earned in the last 60 days
  • All income if you make 30 times the minimum wage or less per week
  • Worker’s compensation benefits
  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • $3,600 in the bank account if it contains no government benefits
  • $2,850 in the bank account if it contains government benefits
But not all debt collectors follow the law. Some are so careless or greedy that they will

freeze bank accounts and garnish funds and wages illegally.

At the Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz, we have helped many people who had their
benefits, money, and wages illegally taken by debt collectors get justice and fair compensation. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

    Ahmad Keshavarz established his law
    firm, The Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz in 2000. His practice is devoted entirely to consumer protection. The large majority of his practice is devoted to FDCPA litigation, which involves violations such as debt collectors attempting to collect on debts that are time barred or judgments that have been vacated.


    16 Court St., 26th Floor
    Brooklyn, NY 11241-1026


    (718) 522-7900


    (877) 496-7809

